Message from Our CEO, Scott Chatlin

The world's biggest challenges will be solved by the business community taking a leadership role.

Message From CEO

Sustainability Highlights


Reduction in fuel
consumption from 2017

TRT uses various fuels to provide power and steam to its facility. Conservation measure have allowed TRT to reduce fuel use while increasing production.


Reduction in GHG
emissions from 2021

TRT has worked to improve its emission through at its operational and supply chain levels. This includes a 90% reduction in inbound Scope 3 emissions.


Energy produced
internally at TRT

TRT's CHP system can supply well over half of its power and has since 2015. We are now looking for ways to produce 100% of our power using alternative technologies.


Reduction in water
consumption from 2021

One of TRT's most important resources is water and through conservation and technology we are discovering new ways to use that resource more effectively.

Sustainable Development: People, Planet, Performance

Sustainable operations are the outcome of proper corporate social responsibility practices. They are derived from positive social, environmental, and economic beliefs that respect all the stakeholders throughout the supply chain. TRT understands that it is our responsibility to be a strong leader within our industry and community. The principles of People, Planet, and Performance have provided a framework to expand our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in coordination with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Following the UN's international agenda for sustainable development, TRT has looked at each CSR as a foundation to participate in programs that increase socio-economic benefits for vulnerable individuals. We have involvement in Quincy, MA and surrounding neighborhoods to protect and restore the environment, help those in need and improve upon a safe and efficient workplace. In the future, we plan to increase assistance to our local community while also expanding our CSR to an international platform. We want to create more opportunities across the world for people, reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, and increase our performance efficiency.

UNSDG Website

TRT has a long history of CSR efforts. Increasing assistance to the local community and extending its work with its suppliers we hope to foster change throughout the supply chain. TRT intends to create more opportunities for it people while further reducing its environmental footprint and providing safe products for its customers. This forward-looking approach reflects TRT's proactive stance towards sustainable development and its positive commitment globally.

  • Early sustainability initiative kickoff
  • Implement water reutilization project
  • Commence company-wide assessment of sustainability
  • American Cleaning Institute's sustainability reporting program involvement
  • Offer Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil certified products
  • Offer Kosher/Halal and Safe Quality Food products
  • Issues First sustainability program report
  • LED lighting project initiated
  • CHP installation
  • Safe Quality Food Certification
  • Global Harmonization System Compliant
  • Halal and Kosher Certifications
  • EcoVadis Gold Star
  • AIM Sustainability Award
  • 25 Years of business
  • SDG Support Statements
  • SDG Benchmark Metric
  • Full Implementation of Recycling Program
  • Catalyst filtration project
  • Carbon Disclosure Project
  • Joined ACI's 1.5C Climate Challenge
  • Veg conversion project
  • Joined SBTi
  • Containment project
  • PCF/LCA Project
  • EHS Management Systems
  • Strategic Emission Reduction Plan
  • CDP Climate Change and Supply Chain Reporting expanding to include:
    • Water Security
    • Plastics
    • Forests
    • Biodiversity

Sustainability Pillars

TRT's commitment to sustainable operations and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices is interwoven in a holistic approach to operations, guided by the principles of People, Planet, and Performance. By aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), TRT recognizes its role as a leader within its industry and community, with a responsibility to positively impact all stakeholders throughout the supply chain.

Here's how TRT's CSR practices reflect its dedication to sustainable development:


TRT prioritizes the well-being of individuals within its community and supply chain. This includes examining our supply chain to ensure the organizations we do business with are responsible and support their people in the same way we support ours. As an organization, TRT works to develop its people from within an inclusive and diverse environment. TRT demonstrates a commitment to uplifting communities and supporting those in need. Additionally, the focus on creating a safe and efficient workplace underscores TRT's dedication to the health and safety of its employees.


Environmental stewardship is a core component of TRT's CSR practices. By actively participating in initiatives to protect and restore the environment, TRT contributes to mitigating its environmental impact. This includes efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainability across its operations. To accomplish this TRT has launched a Strategic Emissions Reduction Plan that will guide our business to meet the expectations of both the business and society.


TRT aims to enhance its performance efficiency while maintaining its commitment to CSR. The actions taken to do carbon footprinting and lifecycle analysis will help to continuously improve processes and operations. This will allow TRT to not only increases its productivity but also minimizes waste and reduce resource consumption and build on its sustainable business practices.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that poverty can be defeated with the support of individuals, communities, and corporations working in unison and using the UN Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”), of No Poverty as a roadmap to achieve success. TRT supports this SDG in principle and in action. TRT participates in several programs, through donations and volunteer opportunities for employees, that provide security to vulnerable community members and strives to raise their socioeconomic status. TRT is a longtime corporate donor to programs that:

  • Assist the homeless and prevent homelessness
  • Neighborhood centers that provide sport facilities and recreational activities for the local community
  • Organizations that support opportunities for senior citizens to engage socially and support themselves
  • Charities that focus on project support and increased income opportunities for disabled individuals

Each of these program helps to better the communities we work in by enriching living opportunities, recreational activities, food security and economic development for local people, particularly distressed families, seniors, and the disabled. TRT is committed to lifting individuals in its community out of poverty into productive, higher functioning situations by forming a cross functional committee for supporting donations and community involvement towards assistance programs that raise the quality of life for vulnerable individuals and works towards the UN SDG of No Poverty.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that extreme hunger can be eliminated bycollaborating between businesses, NGOs, and communities to engage with people in need.

TRT programs inside and outside the factory work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”), of Zero Hunger.TRT supports this UN SDG by taking steps to promote adequate nutrition among its employees and fund programs that feed vulnerable community members. Employees at TRT are encouraged to pursue healthy life choices with the educational and physical resources provided through the TRT Wellness Program. Beyond its employees, TRT engages NGOs to help reduce hunger in the community with annual corporate donations that focus on the reduction of food insecurity in the Boston Metro area.

TRT strives to find more solutions to further reduce hunger locally and increase the social sustainability of its surrounding community. In the upcoming year, TRT will begin looking beyond its neighborhood and towards the global environment to affect change under the UN SDG of Zero Hunger.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that the development of a strong, sustainable workforce and community can be achieved through the promotion of healthy lifestyle choices in unison with the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”) of Good Health & Well-Being.

TRT supports this UN SDG in regular employee education, accessible nutrition and fitness, and healthy community program funding. Through TRT's Wellness Program, employees learn about healthy lifestyle choices monthly in wellness bulletins and are encouraged to take action by utilizing the company funded gym facility and participate in employee fitness and weight loss challenges held throughout the year. These challenges not only promote healthy lifestyles but also encourage team-building exercises throughout each challenge. Located in our Quincy, MA facility is a company-subsidized vending machine that offers fresh, healthier food choices for our employees while on site. Outside TRT, corporate donations are given to organizations that provide individuals with low socioeconomic status the means to live a healthier life. Additionally, TRT supports recreational community projects whose goals are to keep young adults and vulnerable individuals away from drugs or other dangerous activities. The local charitable organizations TRT supports ensure their participants maintain a high quality of life in regards to health and wellness.

Health and wellness programs in the workplace help employees maintain greater levels of efficiency while also developing themselves and valuing their wellbeing. TRT wants its employees and the surrounding community, regardless of socioeconomic status, to share in a high quality of life equivalent to the targets
set for the UN SDG of Good Health and Well-Being.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that adequate education and job training is a human right and a key to the betterment of oneself with success of the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Quality Education.

TRT supports this UN SDG by granting higher education access to its employees that want to pursue more training and expertise and through its robust training program. TRT's Training and Education Assistance policy allows employees to develop skills and education allowing for upward mobility at and beyond TRT to overcome financial obstacles as they learn more about their field and develop into employees that are more efficient. TRT will continue to fund education for its employees and help them become the best in their field by furthering education and training policies.

TRT invests in its employees' ongoing professional development, encourages employees to attend seminars, participates in discussions through local and state organizations, hosts human resources roundtables, and provides sales and managerial training. TRT's training program challenges its people to be continuously engaged to learn about the technical, safety and regulatory aspects of TRT's business operations. Training is delivered in three ways: through eTraining / Learning Management System; Management Led Training and by experts in various fields. TRT is committed to the development of people and the right to access education in support of the UN SDG of Quality Education.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that a person of any gender deserves equal respect and strives to break down patriarchal barriers to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Gender Equality.

TRT supports this UN SDG, which is incorporated into its policies and procedures. To promote the equal treatment of all genders in the workplace, TRT's Human Resources Department has issued several policy statements that reflect not only local laws but also its beliefs regarding gender equality. The Parental Leave policy allows both mothers and fathers to take time off work to raise a child. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act policy protects employees that are either pregnant or experiencing a pregnancy related issue from being discriminated against in the workplace. Domestic Violence Leave gives employees paid time-off for related medical situations, court hearings, etc., and Addressing and Preventing Harassment and Discrimination states that TRT will not tolerate sexual harassment or any offensive action conducive to a hostile work environment.

In developing a roadmap to achieve gender equality, TRT has pledged to find ways to improve Diversity & Inclusion initiatives that can be targeted, and progress monitored. TRT will continue to pursue equality for all genders, a harassment free workplace, and family-friendly company policies in support of the UN SDG of Gender Equality.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that responsible water use and wastewater management can improve water quality and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”) of Clean Water and Sanitation.

TRT directly supports this SDG with its environmental and regulatory policies as well as through effective wastewater pretreatment system management and water conservation efforts. Ensuring that water quality is maintained and neighboring ecosystems are protected is a responsibility that TRT holds close. TRT is a marine dependent facility. We utilize ocean water for cooling to reduce the demand on public water supplies and continuously monitors the performance of any system that could affect our community. TRT has numerous contingency plans to insure the waterways are protected from any potential impact from the facility. TRT's pretreatment system is designed to lessen the load on municipal / publicly operated wastewater treatment facilities. Our engineering and operation staffs also take every opportunity to reusing and reduce the amount of water being discharged from the facility.

Water is a resource that cannot be ignored. TRT will continue to prioritize the protection and safety of waterways for the surrounding community and the sustainability of our business.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), is committed to monitoring its carbon footprint and moving towards renewable, independent energy generation in the future in cooperation with the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Affordable and Clean Energy.

TRT supports this SDG by taking action to consider new, better sources for energy generation and through conservation efforts. TRT reports emission as part of its regulatory requirements but also is transparent by providing that same information in its Annual Sustainability Report, through its participation in the Ecovadis system, the Carbon Disclosure Project, and through the CDP Supply Chain Sourcing Procedure. This allows TRT's a measure its Scope 3 emissions for greenhouse gas (“GHG”) / carbon impact across the supply chain and select alternatives where possible that reduce carbon loads. Most recently, TRT has also completed projects that have replace heavy oil fuel streams with natural gas. This has reduced potential emissions and allowed TRT to generate most of its electrical need, taking the demand off the electric grid. We also work with the electrical grid to shed load during times high demand to protect the supply of energy to the wider population of users.

TRT has studied alternative energy programs including wind, solar and biofuel and hopes move away from nonrenewable sources and
further reduce its carbon footprint in the future.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that a decent workplace stems from employee benefits, fair hours and wages, and an inclusive atmosphere that allows for the success of the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Decent Work and Economic Growth.

TRT supports this SDG in numerous HR policies and employee benefits. TRT's Wellness program has rolled out community benefits to the employees including a nutritional company subsidized vending machine that offers fresh, healthy meal options for employees at our Quincy, MA facility and fully equipped company funded fitness center to prioritize employee health and wellbeing. Other employee benefits, including medical, vacation time, and compensations are listed in TRT's Benefits Package. At TRT, hours of work and wages are maintained to ensure fair pay for employees and no exploitation for labor. Also, TRT's workplace is a nondiscriminatory environment upheld by policies including Addressing and Preventing Harassment and Discrimination, Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Employee Code of Conduct. TRT also protects foreign workers from mistreatment with its Supplier Code of Conduct and RSPO Certification that requires fair labor practices from itself and suppliers.

TRT is committed to protecting employees in policy and workplace conditions in coordination with the UN SDG of Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that sustainable industry is fortified through resilient, efficient, inclusive innovation which will support UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

TRT supports this SDG in its business development practices and has become an innovator in finding and developing alternative uses for product streams that have in the past been classified as waste. These projects have developed better recovery of raw materials, identified saleable uses of former waste streams that are now valued commodities and taken advantage of the properties of other waste streams to generate clean fuel products for industry. These efforts are also evident in the development and implementation of project like the Combined Heat and Power and back pressure turbines that allow TRT to generate almost all of its electrical load and reduce Scope 2 emissions. We also provide transparency with respect to our carbon footprint in TRT's annual Sustainability Report, the Ecovadis system and in the Carbon Disclosure Project. We also have a leadership role in the American Cleaning Institute's Sustainability Program and are a sitting member of the team that sets the tone for sustainability direction in our industry.

TRT supports the UN SDG of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure by increasing production efficiency, effectively using raw materials, decreasing dependence of non-renewable fuels, reducing waste and internal electric generation.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), is devoted to overcoming disparities in opportunity for individuals of any age, race, sex, religion, ability, or socioeconomic status in accord with the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Reducing Inequalities.

TRT supports this UN SDG in policy and employee empowerment. Gender equity policies that promote an inclusive workplace for women, parents, and families include Parental Leave, Pregnant Workers Fairness, Domestic Violence Leave, and Addressing and Preventing Harassment and Discrimination. Suppliers may receive preferential consideration if they meet the requirements in the Minority and Disadvantaged Supplier Questionnaire if they operate as a minority, women, or veteran owned company. Other TRT policies that operate against workplace discrimination, harassment, and unfair treatment of employees for itself or suppliers include the Supplier Code of Conduct, Employee Code of Conduct, Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, and What We Believe.

In developing a roadmap to achieve gender equality, TRT has pledged to find ways to improve Diversity & Inclusion initiatives that can be targeted, and progress monitored. Inequalities can be minimized when companies like TRT target their own workplace and supply chain to promote human rights in support of the UN SDG Reducing Inequalities.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that achieving sustainability cannot be done without community commitment and individual support systems that can power the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Sustainable Cities and Communities.

TRT supports this SDG through program actions and community involvement. We contribute to social sustainability programs such as a local police program focused on reducing teen drug use, homeless shelters for both men and women and regional charities like the Jimmy Fund. We also directly involved in local community centers and outreach programs aimed at improving the quality of life for the underprivileged. We are part of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the Boston Harbor Port Operators Group and work with local schools to promote sustainable business practices. These efforts are aimed at promoting a higher quality of life for vulnerable or struggling individuals. Environmentally, TRT extends sustainability into the community with its sapling program that gave tree saplings to employees, expanded the recycling program to minimize landfill waste, and installed new treatment technologies to improve air quality in the community while reducing water consumption.

Community sustainability is achieving when corporations and individuals work together to nurture residents and the environment, so
TRT will continue to take action and derive a stronger, sustainable community.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), emphasizes its role in responsible consumerism to minimize waste impact and present ethical business behavior for its clients in unison with the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Responsible Consumption and Production.

TRT supports this UN SDG in values, policy, and action. TRT actively works to minimize its impact on the environment by continually examining its processes to reduce raw material use and waste streams. TRT has made great strides in water conservation, emission reduction, odor control and finding beneficial outlets for previously undervalued products. Conservation efforts like these have created new products, created biofuels and generated electricity both at our facility and in other locations. The expansion of TRT's recycling program increased paper, cardboard and plastic recovery and lead to the elimination of all Styrofoam cups from the company. Beyond conservation, TRT has installed a combined heat and power station to cleanly generate steam and provide for most of its electric demand.

TRT's supply chain is protected by first by our Supplier Code of Conduct that insures all suppliers adhere to responsible production, waste management and disposal procedures. We are RSPO certified to insure our supply chain is not creating negative impacts at its source. TRT's Regulatory Compliance Policy provides guidance to the organization and highlights our responsibilities as part of the global community. Coupled with the TRT Sustainability Policy, and our belief that responsible business ethics form a base for product supplier responsibility in the consumer market ensures continuous improvement.

TRT will continue to develop responsible business practices that target its production inputs and outputs, reduce waste stream impacts, and address employee conduct in support of the UN SDG Responsible Consumption and Production.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), acknowledges that climate change is a real and detrimental threat to world stability and will mitigate the impacts of climate change with sustainable policies that address the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Climate Action.

TRT supports this UN SDG with a multifaceted approach of actions. TRT supports the Paris Climate accord and is working to reduce greenhouse gas output. TRT installed a combined heat and power station to cleanly generate its own steam and internally provide for much of its electric demand. We also operate a steam generator that likewise provides electricity for the facility. Both of these systems reduce Scope 2 emissions and reduce demand on the electric grid. We are working on the Carbon Disclosure Project reporting process have conducted studies and assessments on numerous alternative energy systems including biofuels, wind and solar. For much of this century TRT utilized bio products as its primary source of fuel and now sell that fuel to biogas production facilities. Our RSPO certification and Supplier Code of Conduct insure responsible procurement of raw materials that have not led to the destruction of rainforests. To encourage the replanting of trees and the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, TRT annually offers saplings to employees.

TRT will continue to address climate change through innovation, transparent reporting and work to reduce our carbon footprint all in support of the UN SDG Climate Action

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), has a responsibility to protect the environment that surrounds our facility and manage all operations to support the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Life Below Water.

TRT supports this SDG insuring that the waterways are never impacted by its operations. TRT operates a marine terminal and is tied to its supply chain through the ocean. We also use seawater to cool our process rather than taxing the municipal water supply. With that close reliance on the water comes responsibility.

TRT continuously monitors all of our operations in particular those that have a direct impact on the waterways. We have conducted studies for water management and impact analysis on the marine ecosystems that we utilize. TRT has extensive emergency response systems and highly trained and certified individuals that can be deployed effective resource to minimize the impact of any emergency should one ever occur. TRT is also a member of the Boston Harbor Area Response Committee and the Local Emergency Response Committee and works to prepare for potential spills and natural emergencies. We communicate regularly with our regulatory officials about the water quality and operational conditions of our systems.

TRT will continue to coexist with the waterways and insure that responsible operations protect the ocean and the marine community.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), strives to protect ecosystems on land by working within its waste management systems to decrease landfill waste and prevent harmful substances from affecting the environment in coordination with the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Life on Land.

TRT operates in consideration of terrestrial ecosystems by installing policies and practices in the workplace that focus on the reduction and minimization of waste that could impact on the land. We have also found opportunities to take products that were once waste streams and create new uses for them in other industries to generate electricity or become entirely new product lines. TRT prepares a biennial Toxic Use Reduction Plan, monitors, audits and disposes of its waste materials in compliance with all regulatory requirements. We are classified as a Small Quantity Generator of waste and have worked wherever possible to replace materials that are hazardous with better alternatives. TRT's expanded Recycling Program includes metal, cardboard, paper, wooden pallets and plastics. In combination, these programs have significantly reduced volume of waste that goes into landfills. TRT has eliminated Styrofoam cups at the facility which take thousands of years to biodegrade and release harmful chemicals into the both terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

TRT continuously explores new opportunities to further its waste reduction efforts by strengthening its emphasis on recycling and finding new ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle in the workplace.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that an emphasis on inclusive community action and corporate responsibility can achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, (“SDGs”), of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

TRT supports this UN SDG through a variety of programs and policies. By supporting People-based programs which provide a sense of justice and peace to a variety of individuals in need. TRT also holds its employees and management to high standards of inclusive, non-discriminatory behaviors such as What We Believe, Employee Code of Conduct, and Anti-Discrimination Policy which uphold institutional values such as equity, safety, and sustainability.

In developing a roadmap to achieve gender equality, TRT has pledged to find ways to improve Diversity Inclusion initiatives that can be targeted, and progress monitored.

Positive institutions are built on strong values and inclusive practices that TRT will continue to develop in support of the UN SDG Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

Twin Rivers Technologies, (“TRT”), believes that partnerships that build on success and sustainable progress can help achieve all of the UN SDGs, particularly the UN Sustainable Development Goal, (“SDG”), of Partnerships for the Goals.

TRT supports this UN SDG through several partnerships that work towards building a more sustainable foundation for success. TRT's partnership with the American Cleaning Institute, (ACI), has built metrics programs and goals for raising the quality of life of people globally as part of our membership of ACI's Sustainability Committee. TRT works closely with Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), a local organization dedicated to supporting business legislation and helping employers make sense of energy, environmental and employment law. TRT holds a board membership within AIM and works with AIM's Sustainability Committee. National Association for Environmental Management, , was founded to be a resource for those looking to advance environmental, health and safety, and sustainability management within their companies. TRT participates in the member's forums sharing best practices, shaping strategic direction, and working with a community of peers, to research and develop strategic solutions to challenges throughout the NAEM network.

TRT will continue strengthening its partnerships to work towards better solutions to achieving sustainable, collective wellbeing with the UN SDG Partnerships for the Goals.